Since I wasn't able to get my Goose or Moose knuckle (Moment of silence......) I decided to move on to the next item on my list of "stuff I want" which was a 3DS XL console.
I have always wanted one in the past but with Nursing and studying for the licence exam, I knew I would never have time to play. Now that I have a career, I figured this would keep me company during my night shifts where I cant use my computer and on the long bus rides.
So I went to EB Games on Saturday with the Mama and saw that the Smash Bro version was released. Now, to be completely honest I wanted the Persona Q; Shadow of Labyrinth version which looked like this:
I loved this version better for its colour and nice design. Suppose to look like a book and the back design was pretty cute. I do love blue (my second favourite colour) and I wouldn't need to purchase a skin from Decal Girl to cover up the design compared to me getting the plain 3DS XL. However, when I inquired about it the EB games, the workers stated it was only released in Japan T___T (sadness)!!! So that got shot down pretty quickly.
So at this point, I saw the Smash Bros edition. I asked if they had a floor display model that I could see but they hadn't any available. So it came down to the point where I would either pay $200 for a plain red/blue 3DS XL or get the limited edition 3DS XL Smash Bro edition.
OBVIOUSLY I would go for the limited edition one >3>. At least I wouldn't necessarily NEED a skin for it and once I get bored and tired of the current design I could than get a skin for it. So I got it for $200, paid $25 bucks for 1 year warranty. So when I opened it in the car while waiting for pizza, I was actually impressed.
The front has a beautiful shiny/glossy look to it, very beautiful in the light and the metallic sliver outline of the smash bro characters were superb. Though Im not really into the red (I didn't know there was a blue version but only at certain Eb Game locations) but honestly is a very nice design and overall finish. So I bought this console and of course had to choose a game SO decided to start off with Pokemon X edition.
So this is overall what I bought. In total my cost was around $275 for the Game console, Pokemon X, clear rubber case to protect the console (from dropping it, even though Im not the clumsy type and Ive never dropped my game consoles before such as PSP, PSP GO, DS regular etc), console protection and paid for the game protection. With my purchase I got the Shiny Gengar since the event is going on till Oct. 26. From October 27-Nov. 12 is the Diancie event which basically is giving you (FOR FREE) a card to get Diancie in Pokemon X, and once Pokemon Omega Ruby/Sapphire comes out you can transfer her over and Mega Evolve Danicie (well you get the stone to make her mega or something along those lines). Apparently she is a big deal cause "she" an unobtainable mythological creature. Anyways, here are the two pokemon I'm getting for free Thanks to this event at EB Games.
Pokemon X Review:
So I haven't been able to play much or go far in the game (once I finish the game officially maybe ill do an update on it) but THIS GAME IS EPIC!!!!!!!!! Now let me explain why...

1. THE GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING! I have never seen graphic on the DS like this for a pokemon game (any game that I can personally say will always have amazing graphics is Kingdom Hearts or ANY Square Enix game invented). Even without the 3D, the graphics are very beautiful. The amount of detail placed into this game to really make the surroundings "pop" out is really displayed. When you start out, your room alone is very top notch and I personally love how you change out of your PJ's (and note that your character is holding the Pickachu limited edition 3DS that came out a while back).
2. The battle style also has improved tremendously, the 3D adding to the effects and really makes you feel your in the game catching and battling these pokemon.
3. Ive always been a fire type pokemon chooser since I think ALL fire types in every single pokemon game look amazing (i didn't like Tepig, he was ugly out of all them -3-) and are OP cant lie. Though thats my personal bias. So once I got to choose my started, I wanted a FEMALE Fennekin! Now let me just emphasize FEMALE!!!!!! After 25-30 software resets (I honestly almost gave up), I finally got a female Fennekin and continued on with the story (apparently its a 12.5% chance of getting a female starter pokemon compared to the 87.5% chance of getting a male starter since they don't want to make it so easy for breeding).
4. Character customization has improved greatly and I can actually be a BLACK or " DARK SKINNED" individual in the game :D

Being able to finally choose skin colour is major improvement compared to previous pokemon games and I believe further in the game customization is even better and unique. Since I haven't reached that far into the game yet, I guess I'll have to wait and see.
So far Im just impressed. The worker at EB games really pressed on how this game is REALLY good but I didn't expect such major improvements. Really makes me value the game. Anyways, this is as far as I write (its 6am currently and I want to at least catchup on Fate Stay Night episode). I love the console, the 3D effect is nice (though it strains your eyes over time so I just turn it on/off when needed) and I love my cute character :P. I will finish off my blog with ONE LAST ADORABLE PICTURE, which I randomly found (this blog today was really spammed with pictures lol).
Goodnight Everyone (Thanks so much for the views and +1)
Yumoyori <3~
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